Goz Banefury

Goz Banefury – Location: Twilight Highlands (56, 56)
Team 1: 13 rounds

1: Snarly [-] (1,1,2)
2: Carry pet
3: Darkmoon Tonk [-] (1,1,2)
Alt1: Chuck/Muckbreath/Toothy (1,1,2)
Alt3: Tranquil Mechanical Yeti [-] (1,1,2), Menagerie Custodian [-] (1,1,2)

vs Twilight

– Rip > Blood in the Water > Surge

vs Amythel

– Rip > Rip > Blood in the Water > Rip until your Snarly dies
– Switch to carry pet > switch to Darkmoon Tonk > Missile until Amythel dies

vs Helios

– Shock and Awe > Missile (just in case he heals unless he is stunned) > Ion Canon